That first flag was a dud, but I think using a similar trick to get the full binary file might be needed here. There is a least one password in there somewhere. Maybe reversing this will give you access to the authenticated area, then you can turn up the heat… literally.
We need to find a way to dump the binary for analysis. With the path traversal bug, we can print out the binary by reading the following path:
It will print the binary data in the console, so it works. With the following script, we can save the binary in a file:
from pwn import *
r = remote('', 1337)
binary = r.recvuntil('Quit\n')
with open('admin-ui', 'wb') as file:
Now we can analyze the binary in Ghidra
and see, how the authentication for the Service access
option works. First, it expects a password, that is stored in the flag
we previously read out. Then it expects another password that is generated from data, that are stored in the binary:
For our input, each character is XOR
ed with 199 and the result is then compared to that data array, so in order to get the password, we just need to XOR
each byte of the data array with 199 to get the flag.
flag: CTF{Two_PasSworDz_Better_th4n_1_k?}